Trustee Learning

A nine part online learning programme focused on the skills required for good trusteeship.

Running from: March - December

The first cohort of the HEY100 trustee learning programme is underway. Dependent on interest, we are considering running a second cohort in Q3 2018.



The trustee learning programme is an opportunity for trustees to develop and grow in their role in a supported, structured manner. Trustees will come out of the programmes more confident in their role, and with a toolkit of skills to take back to their organisations. 

Running from March to December, the programme is oriented around a series of nine expertly curated online modules. Each module will be easily accessible online and will focus on a key building block of good trusteeship, and will provide trustees with the skill-set to handle the everyday challenges of the role.  

These will be supported by monthly live Q&As where you will be able to ask questions about the content and hear from someone with experience in that topic area.

Each online Q&A will be one hour in length. Participants will be able to log-on independently. Combining the time required to complete the online learning modules and attendance at the online Q&A we estimate the overall time commitment as close to 18 hours.

Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to network and apply their learning through face-face networking and learning sessions scheduled throughout the year. 


Available to all trustees of registered charities and social enterprises, although those with less than 1.5 years experience of being a trustee will benefit the most.  



Applications for the first cohort of the trustee learning programme have now closed. We are considering running a second cohort beginning in Q3 2018 - please express your interest using the form above. 

Online Q&A sessions will take place one a month between March and December. Exact dates can be found in the programme summary document.